- Access Knowledge Articles:
- Log into the instance and navigate to Knowledge Articles using the left-side menu.
- Log into the instance and navigate to Knowledge Articles using the left-side menu.
- Create a New Article:
- Click the +New button.
- Complete the Title, Keywords, and KBA Code fields.
- Toggle the "Show Externally" field if the KBA will be publicly accessible.
- Insert Content:
- Open the file containing the article information and formatting.
- Copy and paste all information into the Content box, ensuring proper formatting. Adjustments may be necessary, especially within the design. Maintain consistency with the format of other KBAs, incorporating city branding images as required.
- Adjust Links:
- Double-click any links within the content.
- In the Link settings, navigate to the Target tab.
- From the Target dropdown, select "New Window (_blank)," then click OK. This ensures that when users open the KBA, it will appear in a new window.
- Finalize Configuration:
- To complete the configuration and make the KBA available:
- Save the article.
- Approve the article.
- Publish the article.
- Set Expiration Date:
- In the Publish menu on the right, set an expiration date if required. This action will revert the article to draft and unpublish it. If no expiration date is needed, proceed to Publish.
- In the Publish menu on the right, set an expiration date if required. This action will revert the article to draft and unpublish it. If no expiration date is needed, proceed to Publish.
- Update Published Article:
- To incorporate changes while the article is published, click on the Update button. This will refresh the article, reflecting any new modifications.
- To incorporate changes while the article is published, click on the Update button. This will refresh the article, reflecting any new modifications.